Flight Information Display System

Beyond the Ordinary - Sophisticated FIDS Solutions

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Classic-LAN or Cloud-Powered FIDS ? It's up to you. The smart and innovative architecture of the Fids3 Flight Information Display System can deal with both kind of platforms

Fids3 CLoud+LAN Solutions

The right information at the right time at the right place. That's what an essential system of airport's operations – the FIDS (Flight Information Display System) – has to provide to. The Fids3 is an advanced Flight Information Display System designed to match the today's technology demands

Made for the Web

The Fids3 system is consequently designed using web architecture. All front-ends (GUI, monitor layouts) are browser based

Your Choice - Cloud or LAN

The Fids3 system was the first FIDS consequently designed for the Web. This architecture and our vast experience with this technology (since 2005) gives you the freedom to run it from a cloud platform as well as inside the airport's LAN'

Designed to comunicate

Fids3 integrates all common message services (e.g. SMS, E-Mail, WhatsApp, Twitter) and remote systems (e.g. Airport's AODB or public Webserver)

Everywhere and Free

Fids3 doesn't require any proprietary hardware nor cost-intensive licenses (e.g. database, operating system)

System Capabilities

Find here a list of features and characteristics of our FIDS solution

The Today's Standard

All front-ends (GUI and monitor display layouts) designed in browser technology enabling communication from everywhere and with every device (e.g. PC, tablet) and any browser. Proprietary client GUI programs are not needed

Hardware Freedom

The Fids3 Flight Information Display System is designed to run on/with every common available hardware (Monitors, Smart-TVs, PCs, Tablets). This implies technically freedom and cost-cutting effects for the airport's budget as well the option to do hardware maintenance by the airport's technicians themselves or any eligible local IT company

The architecture of the Fids3 Flight Information Display System allows to run the system inside an airport's LAN as well as from a Cloud based platform. A Cloud solution can be provided very quick and because of its simpleness it can even be done without getting us on-site for assistance. Get in touch with us to learn more about this future conception and its benefits

You have new or changed airline logos to be displayed on your info screens ? You have additional videos to be integrated into you advertising playing lists ? The Fids3 system contains comprehensive and integrated upload functionalities to do such things independently by yourself. This should be standard functionality today - but it isn't yet

Fids3 is prepared to configure so-called 'codeshare pools' to link flight numbers together. This generically concept causes the system automatically to synchronize the data of such coupled flights and the appropriate displays (e.g. scrolling logo and flight numbers)

Foreign Language Support

Due to its web design Fids3 can naturally display any language and character set. Further the Google Translator API is fully integrated into our solution. This enables you to inquire translation proposals for any language supported by Google (e.g. 中国国际航空 and الإمارات). Fids3 can vertically scroll display texts (e.g. flight remarks in different languages)

Fids3 has the ability to display the remarks in a multi-language vertical scrolling manner considering the destination the flight is going to. E.g. if a flight is going to Beijing, you can display the remarks in English and Chinese language. If the flight has Sulaymaniyah as its destination, it can be shown in the languages English, Kurdish and Arabic. This can be configured for every destination individually and is a nice service to your customers.

Fids3 has a security feature which enables you to create any number of user accounts. A role-based authorization concept makes it possible to create any combination of access rights for a certain account

This feature makes it possible to isolate the view and access rights for a user account to a single or a few numbers of airlines. This design is dedicated to airline employees which have to handle their flights

The Fids3 Flight Information Display System continuously retrieves METAR data for all relevant flight destinations from the Internet. The weather information is displayed e.g. on gate and check-in displays

Fids3 is prepared to communicate with Email, Twitter, WhatsApp and SMS. This ability is used to inform staff users and passengers about flight status changes. Further it is possible to notify the administrator account about relevant system incidents

Fids3 has a unique 24x7 application server running in the Internet and available to the public. The system is continuesly running with simulated flight status/data changes and enables potential airport customers to evaluate the system GUI to get a feeling about the abilities of our FIDS solution

Advanced Features

View the capabilities of our Fids3 solution which are beyond any standard FIDS functionality


Airport's Website

Real-time flight information, advertising and google-map-guided timetable for the airport's website


Custom Check-In

Individual Check-In layouts/styles for airlines and its flight classes


Hotel Lounges

Real-Time flight information for hotel and resort lounges including customizable advertising


Airport Staff

Browser-based staff portal for accessing flight information and Twitter based flight status tracking



Flight status tracking and management for airport's staff and public passengers with Twitter


Alarm and Evacuation

Management of various alarm scenarious and evacuation routing

Cloud Power

The pure Web Architecture of the Fids3 Flight Information Display System allows it to run our software on a cloud platform as well as locally inside the airport's LAN. This offers new, attractive opportunities for airport customers and reduces the costs barrier significantly.


Get running a cloud-based Fids3 system is as simple as to connect to 'Google's' start page. Just hang your screens at any location a solid Internet connection is available - That's it. You don't believe it ? Try yourself

Hardware ?

The nature of a cloud server platform is its scalability and high availability. Further there isn't any need to care about aging server hardware, power supplies, cooling, vast racks and cabinets nor any defective components. Its 'just available' and you don't have to care about it. Hosting can be done alternatively on US or German cloud servers

'Worry-Free' Service

We automatically monitor the operation of the system 24/7 and take care it is running fine. The communication connection to each one of your screens can be monitiored by yourselves using the appropriate GUI service. Beside a dedicated logging feature the system is designed to send you notifications via Email and/or Twitter in case of any relevant occurrences

The Costs

Aside from an initial fee (to cover the effort to set-up the Fids3 system and the cloud resources costs) there are no upfront expenses to be paid. We do not want you to buy a pig in a poke and don't charge you anything for the first 90-Days of operation. During this period you can resign without any additional costs nor liabilities. The further use of the system is based on an unrivaled low-priced monthly rate without any period of commitment

Cloud Solution Pricing Table

Find below our rental pricing scheme for small to medium airports

  • Fids3 (S)mall

  • Screens/Monitors: 1-5
  • Operator/Airline Clients: 1
  • Advertising Channels: 1
  • Website Upload  ---
  • Alarm and Evacuation Mgmt:  ---
  • Airline Logos Creation:  ✔
  • 24/7 Support:  ✔
  • Care-Free Monitoring:  ✔
  • Free Operation: 90 Days:  ✔
  • Fids3 (M)edium

  • Screens/Monitors: 6-15
  • Operator/Airline Clients: 2
  • Advertising Channels: 3
  • Website Upload  ✔
  • Alarm and Evacuation Mgmt:  ---
  • Airline Logos Creation:  ✔
  • 24/7 Support:  ✔
  • Care-Free Monitoring:  ✔
  • Free Operation: 90 Days:  ✔
  • Fids3 (L)arge

  • Screens/Monitors: 16-30
  • Operator/Airline Clients: 3
  • Advertising Channels: 6
  • Website Upload  ✔
  • Alarm and Evacuation Mgmt:  ---
  • Airline Logos Creation:  ✔
  • 24/7 Support:  ✔
  • Care-Free Monitoring:  ✔
  • Free Operation: 90 Days:  ✔
  • Fids3 (XL)arge

  • Screens/Monitors: 31-50
  • Operator/Airline Clients: 6
  • Advertising Channels: 10
  • Website Upload  ✔
  • Alarm and Evacuation Mgmt:  ✔
  • Airline Logos Creation:  ✔
  • 24/7 Support:  ✔
  • Care-Free Monitoring:  ✔
  • Free Operation: 90 Days:  ✔

Instant LAN Servers Pricing Table

Ready-To-Run configured Fids3 instant servers for your airport

  • Fids3 (S)mall

  • Screens/Monitors: 1-5
  • Operator/Airline Clients: 1
  • Advertising Channels: 1
  • Website Upload  ---
  • Alarm and Evacuation Mgmt:  ---
  • Airline Logos Creation:  ✔
  • 24/7 Support:  €1.200/Year (option)
  • Server Hardware:  HP Proliant Microserver
  • Hot-Standby Server:  €2.500 (option)
  • Remote Assistance:  ✔
  • Remote Training:  ✔
  • On-Site Assistance:  on request
  • Warranty:  24 Months
  • Delivery:  Ex Works
  • Fids3 (M)edium

  • Screens/Monitors: 6-15
  • Operator/Airline Clients: 2
  • Advertising Channels: 3
  • Website Upload  ✔
  • Alarm and Evacuation Mgmt:  ---
  • Airline Logos Creation:  ✔
  • 24/7 Support:  €1.800/Year (option)
  • Server Hardware:  HP Proliant Microserver
  • Hot-Standby Server:  €3.500 (option)
  • Remote Assistance:  ✔
  • Remote Training:  ✔
  • On-Site Assistance:  on request
  • Warranty:  24 Months
  • Delivery:  Ex Works
  • Fids3 (L)arge

  • Screens/Monitors: 16-30
  • Operator/Airline Clients: 3
  • Advertising Channels: 6
  • Website Upload  ✔
  • Alarm and Evacuation Mgmt:  ---
  • Airline Logos Creation:  ✔
  • 24/7 Support:  €2.300/Year (option)
  • Server Hardware:  HP Proliant DL32 series
  • Hot-Standby Server:  €5.900 (option)
  • Remote Assistance:  ✔
  • Remote Training:  ✔
  • On-Site Assistance:  on request
  • Warranty:  24 Months
  • Delivery:  Ex Works
  • Fids3 (XL)arge

  • Screens/Monitors: 31-50
  • Operator/Airline Clients: 6
  • Advertising Channels: 10
  • Website Upload  ✔
  • Alarm and Evacuation Mgmt:  ✔
  • Airline Logos Creation:  ✔
  • 24/7 Support:  €2.900/Year (option)
  • Server Hardware:  HP Proliant DL32 series
  • Hot-Standby Server:  €6.900 (option)
  • Remote Assistance:  ✔
  • Remote Training:  ✔
  • On-Site Assistance:  on request
  • Warranty:  24 Months
  • Delivery:  Ex Works


Services beyond the sheer delivery of the Flight Information Display System software know-how


Provision, installation and configuration of all software required to run FIDS. Creation of all required airline logos and customized airline check-in counter layouts

Airport's Website

Integration of real-time flight information into the airport's website including interfacing and Google Map's driven destination time table and advertising. Complete website designs and creations are possible


FIDS training for operators and administrators can be alternatively provided on-site, remotely (Skype) or in our office in Germany

Remote Systems

Fids3 contains generically structures to communicate with any remote system (e.g. AODB, CUPPS, PA). Such integration can be nicely done if required


FIDS support can be provided as a remote service. It contains quarterly system checks and system updates and patches if required. Further a 24x7 reachabilty is part of this service


We ensure full installation assistance and support until the ordered solution gets into real operation and beyond. This can be done by going on-site or even remotely in case of smaller or a cloud-based FIDS installations

App Development

We design and develop individually smart phone apps (Android, IOS). Real-Time flight information, status tracking and customizable advertising as well as the required interfacing to the Fids3 system are functional components of such an app


Fids3 is coming with a certain set of standard layouts and functionalities. If the airport's customer is in need of any individual functionality, it nicely can be done


If you need any help belonging the FIDS, its possible constellations and components, the required hardware to be used or any individual interfacing to be done, feel free to ask us for help

Refer to our Live FIDS

This link will lead you to our Fids3 LIVE system which is continuesly running 24x7 hours and simulating the flight operations and processings of a typically FIDS for presentation purposes.

Note: Please inquire a valid visitor account from us for accessing the system.

Sample Layouts

Find here a selection of typically Fids3 display layouts to be used for different locations and purposes

  • All
  • Arrival
  • Departure
  • Check-In
  • Gate
  • Non-Flight

View LIVE Screen

Visit an original Fids3 flight information screen. The display is connected to and LIVE fed from our Fids3 24x7 Demo System in real-time. The display is full-HD dimensioned and contains flight status information in different languages (e.g. Arabic, Thai), code-share animations, date and time and freetext ticker.


Our small and fine team of 'FIDS veterans' has a vast experience in the FIDS field for 30 years. Ultimate perfection and personal customer services with rapid response times are our strength

Flight Information Display System

Andree Riechert

General Manager and Owner
Design and Lead Development
Flight Information Display System

Siegfried Huber

International Sales Manager
Flight Information Display System

Sylvia Riechert

Assistance Manager
Development and Training

Source Code

For airport customers with its own IT-Developer team we offer the unique chance to purchase the full source code of our application for unlimited site usage. This gives the airport team full control, independence and self-determination for FIDS and its interfaces. If you as an airport or airport's authority are interested in this opportunity, don't hesitate to get in touch with us for details and conditions.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or in need for more information please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at any time

Matthias-Claudius-Str. 1
D-61118 Bad Vilbel, Germany

+49 (0)171 75 85 714